I hope you all had a great week, let’s get started talking about broody hens. The easiest way to hatch eggs is to let your hen sit on
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I hope you all had a great week, let’s get started talking about broody hens. The easiest way to hatch eggs is to let your hen sit on
We get so many questions about breeds for specific purposes, I thought we’d take a look at that this week. Remember that age, nutrition, living conditions and individual
In this issue, we’ll talk about selecting eggs to hatch, their care, handling and storage. If you will be purchasing fertile eggs, be sure to use a reputable
In the coming weeks, we’ll be talking about hatching your eggs. Before we get to that, it’s important to understand the anatomy of an egg. It’s a little
“We have 3 chickens about 6 months old just started laying, could we introduce chicks into the same coop? Thanks.” ~ Gayle Kiernan Hi Gayle thanks for the
In the coming weeks we’ll be talking about hatching chicks and raising them through their first year and we will address nutrition for young birds at that time.
“One of my chickens (we have 3) has just laid her first egg the shell is very soft what can I do to improve the egg shell.” ~
Plants That Are Toxic To Chickens – Listed below are common plants that are known to be toxic to chickens (and most other birds). Ensure your chickens do not
In our last issue, we discussed building the chicken coop, this week we’ll talk about the things you need to put in the coop. Remember that chickens are
“What is the best way of keeping the chicken eggs? Should they be kept in the fridge or not?” ~ Nikki Ward Nikki, this is a great question,
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